
• is a web search engine like google, yahoo, or duckduckgo, but with the difference that it focusses on Q&A forums. The purpose of this niche approach is to establish as a cyber-intelligence relationship between the client and the information. Similarly as cyberspace is the creation of man and machine, likewise cyber-intelligence is created through the co-operation of man and machine. Approach cyber-intelligence – or amplified intelligence – as your ally, as your survival technique against artificial intelligence. how to:
• All special characters are deleted from the searched word.
• All searched words which are longer than 66 characters are automatically deleted. Do note, that the character count is done after illegit characters has been deleted, and after the word has been URL encoded.
• A search can only be maximum 15 words long, all words after the 15th word are deleted.
• A 15 word long search will give you a 10 row result; a 14 word long search will give you a 20 row result, and searching only for one word will give you a 150 row result. Obviously if the database gives a response.
• Each row (URL link) in the database which holds the searched word(s) will be given a point. The highest score for a row is 255, the lowest score is 1. The rows will be published in chronological order beginning from the row which has the highest score.

Open Data